Is a method of influencing brain behaviour (the “Neuro” part of the phrase) through the use of language (the “linguistic” part) and other types of communication to enable a person to “recode” the way the brain responds to stimuli (that’s the “programming”) and manifest new and better behaviours. Neuro-Linguistic Programming often incorporates hypnosis and self-hypnosis to help achieve the change (or “programming”) that is wanted.
An approach to treatment that focuses on resolving significant past events, root cause believed to be interfering with a person’s present mental and emotional wellness.
Past Life Regression Therapy
- Cause and effect relationship is universal phenomenon.
- Searching the root cause of today’s suffering may lies in deep in to your past lives.
- A unique therapeutic process that helps individuals recalls events from previous lifetimes and uses that information to effect change and enhance their lives today. It can be profound, enlightening, and transformative.
The Earth is a schoolroom for the soul.
Past Life Regression Therapy Heals Deeper, Faster and Permanently
- Everything you’ve seen, felt and experienced in this life…as well as all the memories of your previous existences are stored in your subconscious ( JUNG: Collective Unconscious, Archetypes)…and then brought to light in your current consciousness during this PLRT process.
- It is same concept of Reincarnation in eastern philosophy.
- PLRT cuts to the core uncovering the root cause(s) of our issues in this lifetime, and through the therapy process can resolve issues, produce change and create results in a fraction of the time of many other therapeutic approaches.
PLRT can
- Clear emotional stress and trauma
- Lessen or resolve physical pain and health issues
- Calm feelings of anxiety or depression
- Heal troubled relationships
- Discover your life purpose.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” _French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
- Hypnosis is naturally occurring state.
- One may enter this state of hypnosis many times a day without consciously realizing that you are in a light trance state.
- When you are driving and you accidentally miss your proposed turn,
- When you are watching a movie or daydreaming, you lost the way
These are examples of very light trance states, a self-induced hypnotic state.
- Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy used to create change in a patient while in a state of trance or meditative state or deep relaxed state.
- Therapeutic process done under hypnosis called as hypnotherapy.
- The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word “hypnos” which simply means, “sleep.”
- The therapy itself uses guided relaxation techniques from a trained hypnotist that invoke feelings of intense relaxation, concentration, and/or focus to achieve a heightened state of awareness or trance-like state.
- It is induced through a structured interpersonal situation, in which therapist works primarily with the patient’s subconscious processes in attempt to evoke a healthy psychological state and decrease in symptoms.
- Hypnosis is a process through which a person can attain a sub conscious state of mind where modification of mind is possible.
- During hypnosis one is still in control of one’s mind and body.
Unfolding Language of unconscious pattern related to issues.
REBT is an action-oriented approach to managing cognitive, emotional, and behavioural disturbances.
Developed by Viktor Frankl, the theory is founded on the belief that human nature is motivated by the search for a life purpose; logo therapy is the pursuit of that meaning for one’s life.
Founder: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann Germany since 1796.
- The core principle: SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR, (Let likes be treated by likes.)
- Homeopathy believes in holistic concept of health, Disease and cure.
- Every individual is different and unique. No two individual are same so every disease is different Although name is same.
- Health is harmonious functioning of mind, body and Vital principle. It’s a dynamic state.
- Disease is not only a physical entity but it is an individual dynamic entity encompassing mind, body and vital principle (soul). Disease is a result of individual reaction or responses, adaptations to environmental stimuli in unique way.
- A holistic understanding is more important than only diseased parts, organ or system.
So patient’s genetic pool, personality characteristics and coping mechanisms, physical constitution, their peculiar tendencies unique way of development of disease is more important to understand.
This is called individualization and so homeopathic treatment is individual unique treatment modality.
It is an excellent, powerful treatment modality. It can treat various diseases permanently without any side effects. We have obtained remarkable and astonishing results in challenging cases with homeopathy only.
- There are no adverse side effects from homoeopathy treatment when used judiciously by qualified homoeopaths.
- It can be safely administrated to pregnant women, patients with massive hepatic or renal impairment.
- Many chronic disorders have constitutional basis and emotional attitudes play important role in facilitating their occurrence & continuance. A well selected constitutional remedy affects them favorably and thus homoeopathic treatments offers unlimited potentialities.
- A well selected remedy has to closely match the emotional aspects and therefore it is best fitted to normalize the abnormal mental attitudes and predispositions that have lead to the illness. Thus remedy raises the threshold to emotional environmental stresses. This helps to restore adaptation. Thus homoeopathy offers unrivalled opportunities in curative management of psycho-somatic & psycho- neurological disorders.
- Medicines are selected for a person and not for just a few signs or symptoms. This renders a cure & not only palliation. Considering this it offers a far better mental & physical well-bring.
- It is a myth that homoeopathy takes a long time to recover. In fact, there are plenty of documents available depicting much faster homoeopathic cure especially in viral diseases, to give relief is a short-term result but to eradicate the disease from the roots and remove the defects in constitution, little patience is expected.
- There are almost no rigid restriction (in diet etc.) to be followed when undergoing homoeopathic treatment.
- The medicine being tasty and simple to administer, the acceptance and compliance of treatment is very good and easy. Well accepted by children (and by mothers too!!)
- Infectious disease are caused by virulent organism acting on defective immune system e.g. E.coli causing dysentery. Other systems of therapy attack the causative organisms and the defective constitution is untouched. So there are all chances of a relapse & producing a tendency to catch recurrent infections. In homoeopathy this is prevented by actually acting upon increasing the natural disease resistance of the human body.
This prevents the development of various tendencies to catch a particular disease (and remove such tendencies if existing already.) Similar to the infectious diseases, even in non-infectious disease. E.g. Auto immune disorders, the natural forces for restoration of health are stimulated and thus it aims at cure and not relief. It corrects the direct in constitution of a person.
In cases with irreversible structural changes e.g. Fracture of born, congenital anomalies etc. Homoeopathy cannot cure a patient. When the vitality of a patient is deranged to a great extent, before homoeopathic medicines, certain lives saving measures are restored to come out of the crisis of life & death.