- Cause and effect relationship is a universal phenomenon:
- Searching the root cause of today’s suffering may lies in deep into your past lives.
- A unique therapeutic process that helps individuals recall events from previous lifetimes and uses that information to effect change and enhance their lives today. It can be profound, enlightening, and transformative.
The Earth is a schoolroom for the soul.
Past Life Regression Therapy Heals Deeper, faster and permanently
- Everything you’ve seen, felt and experienced in this life…as well as all the memories of your previous existences are stored in your subconscious ( JUNG: Collective Unconscious, Archetypes)…and then brought to light in your current consciousness during this PLRT process.
- It is same concept of Reincarnation in eastern philosophy.
- PLRT cuts to the core uncovering the root cause(s) of our issues in this lifetime, and through the therapy, the process can resolve issues, produce change and create results in a fraction of the time of many other therapeutic approaches.
PLRT can:
- Clear emotional stress and trauma
- Lessen or resolve physical pain and health issues
- Calm feelings of anxiety or depression
- Heal troubled relationships
- Discover your life purpose.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
…French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
70Pain Management
90Psychosomatic Solutions
90Freedom Of Finantial Blocks
85Proffessional Success
80Resoved Abused Relations
90Purpose Of Life
95Higher soul connections